How to use vue js Auth Scaffolding in Laravel 9

How to use vue js Auth Scaffolding in Laravel 9

Laravel 9 is a popular PHP framework that is used for building modern web applications. The framework is known for its simplicity and ease of use. With Laravel 9, you can quickly set up authentication for your web application using the Vue Js Auth Scaffolding package. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about using Vue Js Auth Scaffolding in Laravel 9. I will show you simple steps for how to use vue js Auth Scaffolding in Laravel 9.

Laravel Installing

For creating a Laravel project run the given command to create a new project. If you have already a new project then skip this step.

Composer create-project Laravel/Laravel blog
Larvael new blog

UI Installing

For installing UI runs the given command in your terminal.

Composer require Laravel/ui

After this run the given command

Php artisan ui vue
Php artisan ui vue –auth

The next step is, to run the given command

Npm install
Npm run build

Testing Project

Php artisan serve



I hope it will helpful for you.




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