Muhammad Zubair

Author & developer of TheSkillStock

CEO of DevSoul Tech Solutions | Core Team Member of Google Developer Students Club KFUEIT | Full Stack Developer of Web & Mobile Applications.

10 Posts by this author

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CRUD System app in Laravel 9

This tutorial follow the following steps for development of CRUD system: i Creating a new Laravel Project ii Database Configuration iii Customer model and Migration creating using Artisan Command iv Customer Controller creating using artisan Command v Adjusting Routes vi Blade files for Views Customer_new.blade.php Customer_update.blade.php Customer_list.blade.php vii Project running in local server

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Laravel 9 Custom Login and Registration System

Following steps are required to make custom login and registration system in laravel: Laravel new project Database Configure Routes Creating Controller & Methods Blade Views creating      Login.blade.php      register.blade.php      welcome.blade.php      home.blade.php Project testing

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How to Send Email in Laravel 9

Following steps are required to send emails from localhost in laravel 9 project: Step 1 – Laravel 9 App creating Step 2 – SMTP Configuration in .env file Step 3 – Mailable Class creating Step 4 – Email Send Route creating Step 5 – View files creating Step 6 – Email Controller creating Step 7 – Testing project

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How to Upload image into database in laravel 9

Follow the following steps to make image upload into database in larave 9: Step: 01 – Project Creating Step: 02 – View Files Creating Step: 03 – Database Configuration Step: 04 – Migration file creating Step: 05 – Model Creating Step: 06 – Controller Creating Step: 07 – Routes Creating Step: 08 – Storage Linking Step: 09 – Project Testing

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How to do form validation in laravel 9

Validation is the most important part of a website which validate the data which coming from input fields. Laravel is providing us a best validation with most important rules. It provide us all type of validation of user inputs. We use simple validate method in controller to validate data incoming from user input.

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