The Complete Guide to Incrementing Multiple Column Values

The Complete Guide to Incrementing Multiple Column Values

The art of Increment and the decrement of multiple column values are most useable. As we know before Laravel version 9.48.0 we can only increment single-column values but after releasing Laravel version 9.48.0 we are able to increment multiple-column values. This article provides you with a complete guide to increment multiple column values step-by-step.

Laravel's new version introduces the incrementEach and decrementEach. You use these methods to increase and decrease the multiple-column values. In this article, we will see both methods with worked examples.

The Complete Guide to Incrementing Multiple Column Values

The Multiple Values Increment example:

DB::table('traffic')->where('slug', 'crud-system-in-laravel')->incrementEach([
     'visit' => 1,
     'cost' => 5,

The Multiple Values Decrement example:

DB::table('traffic')->where('slug', 'crud-system-in-laravel')->decrementEach([
     'visit' => 1,
     'cost' => 5,

Thank You for reading this article. I hope it is helpful to you.




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